Mastering EKS Monitoring and Loggin

Refael Kaneti – AWS Solution Architect | Jan 16, 2024​

Welcome to our deep dive into monitoring and logging for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Amazon EKS is a managed service that makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. It provides the flexibility of Kubernetes with the security and reliability of AWS.

Monitoring and logging in Amazon EKS are not just operational necessities; they are foundational to the health,performance, security and success of any application deployment in a Kubernetes environment. This blog aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to effectively Observe your EKS clusters.

Why Monitoring and Logging are Essential in EKS

Monitoring and logging in EKS are crucial for several reasons:

  1. Performance Optimization: Identifying bottlenecks and understanding resource utilization.
  2. Security and Compliance: Detecting suspicious activities and ensuring compliance with various standards.
  3. Troubleshooting and Debugging: Quickly identifying and resolving issues within your clusters.
  4. Cost Management: Understanding resource usage to optimize costs.


The Critical Role of Monitoring and Logging in EKS

Monitoring and logging in Amazon EKS are not just operational necessities; they are foundational to the health and success of any application deployment in a Kubernetes environment. Let’s delve deeper into why they are so essential.

Enhanced Performance Optimization

Monitoring allows you to continuously observe the performance of your EKS clusters. By tracking metrics like CPU, memory usage, and network throughput, you can identify performance bottlenecks. This data is crucial for scaling resources effectively and ensuring that your applications run smoothly under varying loads.

Robust Security and Compliance

Logging plays a pivotal role in security and compliance. By maintaining comprehensive logs of activities and changes, you can detect potential security breaches and unauthorized access. These logs are invaluable for forensic analysis in the event of a security incident. Additionally, for businesses subject to regulatory requirements, logging is often a compliance necessity.

Efficient Troubleshooting and Debugging

When things go wrong, as they inevitably do in complex systems, logs are your first line of defense. They provide the granular detail needed to diagnose and resolve issues. Coupled with monitoring, which alerts you to the problem in the first place, logging enables you to quickly pinpoint and fix issues, minimizing downtime.

Cost Management and Optimization

Monitoring helps in understanding resource utilization, which is directly tied to cost. By analyzing usage patterns and identifying underutilized resources, you can make informed decisions about scaling down or optimizing resource allocation, leading to cost savings.

Key Metrics and Logs to Monitor in EKS


  1. Cluster-Level Metrics: Node CPU, memory usage, and network statistics.
  2. Pod-Level Metrics: CPU, memory, and storage usage of individual pods.
  3. Application Metrics: Custom metrics from your applications, like throughput and response times.


  1. API Server Logs: For auditing and security purposes.
  2. Application Logs: Output from the applications running in your pods.
  3. Node Logs: System-level logs from the worker nodes.


Lets Dive into Prometheus, Grafana, and Grafana Loki


Prometheus is an open-source monitoring solution that is particularly well-suited for Kubernetes environments like EKS. It works by scraping metrics from configured endpoints at regular intervals, evaluating rule expressions, displaying results, and triggering alerts if certain conditions are met.

Key Features:

  • Multidimensional Data Model: Prometheus uses a powerful data model and a query language that can leverage this model.
  • Flexible Query Language: Its query language, PromQL, allows for the slicing and dicing of collected time series data in real-time.
  • Autonomous Single Server Nodes: It does not rely on distributed storage; each server is autonomous.
  • Time Series Collection: It stores time series data in memory and on local disk in an efficient format.
  • Alerting and Notifications: Alertmanager groups similar alerts together, reducing noise and preventing alert fatigue. This grouping is based on labels, allowing you to aggregate alerts by severity, service, or any other label.



Grafana is an open-source platform for monitoring and observability. It’s widely used for visualizing time series data, like that collected by Prometheus.


Key Features:

  • Rich Visualizations: Offers a variety of charts, graphs, and alerts for your data.
  • Dynamic Dashboards: You can create and share dynamic dashboards that encapsulate a wide range of data.
  • Mixed Data Sources: Allows data to be queried and visualized from multiple sources simultaneously.
  • Alerting and Notifications: Supports alerting based on data thresholds and can send notifications through various channels.


Grafana Loki

Grafana Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It’s designed to be very cost-effective and easy to operate.

Key Features:

  • Index-Free Logging: Loki does not index the contents of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream.
  • Close Integration with Grafana: It allows you to switch seamlessly between metrics and logs, enriching the observability experience.
  • Efficient Storage: Compresses and stores log data in a highly efficient format.
  • Scalable and Cost-Effective: Designed to be more cost-effective than traditional log systems which index all data.


The Imperative of Alerting in EKS Monitoring

The implementation of a robust alerting system is an indispensable component of monitoring Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Effective alerting ensures that potential issues are promptly identified and addressed, thereby safeguarding the performance, reliability, and security of the Kubernetes environment. It acts as a critical line of defense, enabling teams to respond swiftly to anomalies before they escalate into more significant problems. By integrating sophisticated alerting mechanisms, such as those provided by Prometheus Alertmanager, teams can benefit from tailored, context-rich notifications. This targeted approach to alerting not only enhances operational efficiency but also plays a pivotal role in maintaining system integrity and ensuring a seamless user experience. Ultimately, in the dynamic and complex landscape of EKS, where the stakes of system downtime or breaches are high, the strategic importance of a well-orchestrated alerting system cannot be overstated. It is not just a tool for incident response but a cornerstone of proactive infrastructure management and a catalyst for continuous improvement in the ever-evolving domain of cloud-native technologies.


Effective monitoring and logging are vital for the smooth operation of applications running on EKS. By following the best practices and leveraging the right tools, you can ensure high performance, security, and reliability of your Kubernetes applications. Remember, monitoring and logging are not set-and-forget tasks; they require continuous attention and refinement.

Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Grafana Loki offer powerful capabilities to capture, analyze, and visualize the vast amount of data generated by Kubernetes environments. By leveraging these tools effectively, you can gain deep insights into your applications and infrastructure, leading to more informed decisions and a robust, resilient operational posture.

Stay ahead in your DevOps journey by keeping your EKS monitoring and logging strategies up-to-date and optimized. Happy Kubernetes managing!


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